

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Explaining Parliamentary Procedure

I have been a member of, and a big fan of, the Hansard Society for many years. Under Dr Ruth Fox (who became a star of BBC Parliament with her joint coverage with Mark D'Arcy of the various Brexit votes over recent months), it has gone from strength to strength - producing some superb literature and promoting understanding of the Westminster system across the country and across the generations. If you don't yet subscribe - you can do so at https://www.hansardsociety.org.uk.

Each year the Society (named after, but not part of Hansard, the official report of proceedings in Parliament) produces an Audit of Political Engagement. It's always a fascinating report - and the latest edition is available here.

Their website includes a number of very useful procedural guides which can be accessed here. They have just produced a guide to the actions at the start of the 58th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which can be accessed from the home page of the Society.

For anyone interested in the workings of Parliament - this is a really useful society and website.