

Thursday 30 August 2012

Coming Soon....

Washminster will return on Saturday 1st September. Initially I am aiming for a post, on average, every other day - but this will increase shortly. Please do pass the message on about the return of this blog.

In particular this blog should be of interest to those

* who are studying Law and Politics - particularly of the US and the UK
* who enjoy British history
* who enjoy US history
* who are interested in French and EU Government, politics and history
* who enjoying thinking about the practical application of political ideas
* who take an interest in UK, US & French election

so if any of those describe YOU - please subscribe to Washminster. If they describe any of your friends or students - drop them an email - or post about Washminster on Facebook or Twitter.

Many thanks


Monday 20 August 2012

The magnificant aerial photo of Milton Keynes

On 15th March this year I wrote a post about my city, Milton Keynes. Alongside I posted a wonderful photo of an aerial view of the city. (Take a look!) I'm happy to credit Ashley Flynn, who was the photographer.

Tuesday 7 August 2012


Washminster will be returning shortly - with lots on

Elections (USA - Presidential; Senate; House of Representatives - and more!) - a nearby Parliamentary by-election in the UK (Corby)

History - the stories behind developments in the USA; UK; France and Europe.

Exam Revision - especially (but not exclusively) aimed at W200 and W201 students in the Open University

So watch this space....
(in the meantime enjoy the magnificent show that is the 2012 Olympics...)