

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Open University

Many Open University courses begin in February. This Saturday I will be meeting my new students for the start of their W200 (Understanding Law) and W201(Law: The Individual & the State) courses. My W200 tutorials are in Birmingham whilst the W201 tutorials are held here in Milton Keynes. This blog will include many posts which are relevant to these courses - in illustrating and expanding upon areas for study - and of course, in preparation for the assessment - which for each course involves six Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs in the OU jargon aka ETMA's "electronic" - but we tutors are not electronic - I am very much flesh and blood - but the TMAs are submitted electronically)  and an Exam.

Of course this blog is not narrowly focused on the two law degree syllabuses (the 'modern' word, but I still cringe). It continues to follow & explain practice and procedure in the UK Parliament; US Congress; European Parliament and French Parlement - and to discuss - well whatever comes to mind! As long term readers of the blog know - I love Jazz and American Football - and have a passion for history.

I've taught on OU courses for the last 15 years. In the last couple of years I have lived only a few miles away from Walton Hall (as a teenager it was the mysterious place that sent lots of study material to my parents (and to which they posted TMAs - not 'e' in those days), both of whom were early OU students). I can cycle down there with ease - the hill by the hospital on the way back is a bit challenging though.

If you are interested in studying with the OU - it is through distance learning - the website is here. For current students - why not take a tour of Walton Hall (online)