

Friday 13 February 2015

The Congressional Budget Office

The CBO has for the past 40 years provided specialist advice to Congress. It is an institution well worth looking at and getting to know if the workings of Congress itself are of interest to you.
Brookings have an event next week - which I've already signed up for - not that I will be in Washington (more's the pity) - but one can sign up for the live webcast.
On February 17, the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy will convene a conversation to examine the political forces that have, so far, allowed CBO to maintain its independence, to evaluate what CBO has done well and what it hasn’t, and to highlight challenges it confronts in the future.

For more details - and to sign up (either to attend in person, or for the webcast - go to http://www.brookings.edu/events