

Friday 26 September 2008

Obsessed by the Polls?

As Election Day gets closer - Tuesday 4th November [38 days to go!]- real addicts can get their fix from a number of websites which draw together the many polls being taken - and analyse them to give predictions about the results in the Presidential; House; Senate and Gubernatorial races.

Bob Carr , the former Michigan Congressman, http://www.dowlohnes.com/bcarr/
has recommended the following sites -



Not only do they give daily snapshots put together from a large number of different polls; they explain their reasoning for converting that, and other information, into predictions for electoral college votes and seats in the two houses of Congress.

I'll be visiting these sites on a daily basis - as well as looking at The Cook Political Report - http://www.cookpolitical.com/ and the Rothenberg Political Report - http://www.rothenbergpoliticalreport.blogspot.com/. For detailed studies I find the reports of Greenberg Quinlan Roser very useful - http://www.greenbergresearch.com/index.php?ID=457.