

Monday 29 June 2015

The Ultimate Public Forum

This afternoon the nation will focus (some) of its attention on the House of Commons. After a long weekend of very serious developments - the House of Commons will hear statements from the Government - and have the opportunity to question and make suggestions about these events and how to deal with them.

Details of what statements will be made - from 15-30 (UK time) onwards - will be available by noon.

Major statements will be repeated in the House of Lords at the earliest convenient time AFTER the statements have been made in the Commons. Peers too will have the opportunity to ask questions.

There are live feeds from each chamber - available at http://www.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/. Tonight (as every weekday when Parliament is sitting) a half hour "Today in Parliament" will be broadcast. As I am unlikely to be fully awake at 11.30 on most nights, I benefit from the podcast which is available as separate episodes - or for subscription at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qtqd/episodes/downloads

Already this morning I have "prepped" for the day by listening to Friday's TiP (which is given to more detailed reports on issues) and yesterday's "Westminster Hour" (available at  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02nrs6c/episodes/downloads). There are free subscriptions available for the iPad app - search in "App Store" for  "Lords Business Papers" and "Commons Order Papers". A must read!