

Saturday 6 October 2007

The Week Ahead

Parliament finally returns on Monday. There will be statements on troop numbers in Iraq and the Comprehensive Spending Review. The Commons is due to debate the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill (Second Reading). Unless a General Election is announced the next month will be spent completing action on a number of outstanding bills.

The main business for the week ahead can be found at http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200607/cmwib/wb070728/ahead.htm

Congress wil not sit on Monday, as Columbus Day is being celebrated. The Senate will not sit at all during the week, but the House returns on Tuesday. 19 bills are due for consideration under the suspensions procedures. The following will be considered later in the week (and will subject to a rule)

H.R. 2895 - National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act of 2007 (Rep. Frank – Financial Services)
H.R. 3056 Tax Collection Responsibility Act of 2007 (Rep. Rangel – Ways and Means)
H.R. 2095 - Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007 (Rep. Oberstar – Transportation and Infrastructure)