

Wednesday 10 October 2007


If you want to understand mainstream British attitudes towards the USA - you will find last night's short debate in the House of Lords both informative and interesting. Speakers from all groups in the Lords spoke - Labour, Conservative, Liberal-Democrat and the Cross benches. The debate was initiated by Lord Saatchi and contributions were well thought out and based on a wide historical perspective. I recommend both reading the debate http://pubs1.tso.parliament.uk/pa/ld200607/ldhansrd/text/71009-0012.htm#07100962000003

and watching it on http://www.parliamentlive.tv/Player/index.aspx?Encoding=7388 (at 05:17 into the clip)
The consensus was that the USA has played an important and positive role in the world - but this has been overshadowed by the acts and words of the current administration. Anti-americanism has always existed, and always will do so - but we should not join the haters of America - rather we should encourage and support its fundamental values.