

Monday, 14 June 2021

On today's "PPS" show on Spectrum on Air, I'll be interviewing Nigel Long about the new blog he launched a few weeks ago. It's specifically designed to give practical advice to people living with disabilities - but I would recommend it to all. It is very easy to be unaware of the challenges that some people have to face, and the blog is full of useful advice that is worth sharing.

Do listen in to PPS which is broadcast between Noon and 1pm this afternoon (Monday, June 14th). Nigel's interview will be just after five past twelve. The Blog (Independence for People with disabilities) is available here. (Current plans are to post once a week - these are the current posts to date) https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/2028104110589454384/3031428097999769615

Today's programme will also look at practical advice for maintaining good mental health. My co-host Shery Delfani and I will be discussing this just after half past twelve.

We will also be hearing from Spectrum on Air presenter & Managing Director, Suzanne Meeting

Do join me today - https://spectrumonair.com