In the House of Representatives there are certain things which must be done. The main stages of the day's events in the chamber include
- The Clerk of 110th Congress calls the House to order
- The Chaplain of the House offers a prayer
- Members repeat the pledge of allegiance
- A Roll Call vote is taken - to establish that a quorum exists. Members vote electronically
- Certain announcements are made - about delegates; and deaths or resignations of former Members
- The Speaker is elected - both parties nominate for this (and other posts), but the majority party - the Democrats in 111th Congress - win the viva voce roll call vote. [A 'viva voce' vote involves each member stating his vote after his or her name is read out]
- The newly elected Speaker is sworn in
- The Oath of Office is taken collectively by all Members in the Chamber. In the afternoon individual oath taking is repeated for the benefit of photographers.
- Each party announces its leaders
- Officers of the House are elected (usually each party has agreed its own list, but the majority party prevails)
- Resolutions regarding messages between the twn Houses; and also with the Presidency, are passed
- Rules of Procedure are adopted
For a fuller account of first day activities - read Mildred Amer's excellent CRS (Congressional Research Service) report "The First Day of a New Congress: A Guide to Proceedings on the House Floor" - http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL30725_20081031.pdf
For membership information visit http://www.gpoaccess.gov/pictorial/111th/newmems.html