The European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill has been passed by the House of Commons (the language can be a bit confusing - each House passes a Bill by completing 1R, 2R, Committee Stage, Report Stage (only if amendments made in committee) and 3R); if there are any differences between the 'bills' passed - "Ping-pong" takes place - and when the two Houses have agreed on the same text - the bill goes to the Queen for Royal Assent. That is what most people think of when they say a bill has been passed.)
The bill was taken up to the Lords on Wednesday - where it had its first reading. This was a pure formality. The 2nd Reading debate starts on 20th February (both Houses have a short recess).
The text of the bill - and any amendments put down can be viewed at under "All bill document"
This is the page to watch - as more amendments are put down.
I will be posting about how amendments are written - to aid your understanding of how the process works.