

Sunday 5 October 2008

The Presidential Race - Update

Looking at the weekend analyses of the Presidential Race (Particularly The Cook Report; 538.com and electoral-votes.com) the picture seems to be -

North Carolina [15 ev] - a toss up

Toss-up, perhaps barely Democratic
- Florida [27 ev]
- Ohio [20 ev]
- Virginia [13 ev]
- Colorado [9 ev]
- Nevada [5 ev]

Toss up, according to Cook - but Democratic Leaning (538); Strong Democratic (Electoral-Vote)
- New Hampshire

Toss up, perhaps barely Republican
- Indiana [11 ev]
- Nissouri [11 ev]

Projections - in Electoral Vote Terms
538.com - Obama 333.2 McCain 204.8
Electoral Vote - Obama 338 McCain 185 Ties 15
Cook - Obama 260 McCain 174

CNN reports the lastest polling showing Obama 49% McCain 43%. In today's Washington Post, Anne E Komblut and Dan Balz analyse the latest information in an article entitled "U.S. Fiscal Crisis Seems to Have Altered Political Map" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/04/AR2008100402135.html?hpid=topnews"