

Thursday 15 October 2009

Further Update on EDM 1935

The current List of signatories is -

Banks, Gordon
Borrow, David S
Bottomley, Peter
Breed, Colin
Burns, Simon
Burt, Lorely
Campbell, Ronnie
Caton, Martin
Cook, Frank
Cousins, Jim
Davey, Edward
Dean, Janet
Dismore, Andrew
Dodds, Nigel
Drew, David
Evans, Nigel
Foster, Don
George, Andrew
Gray, James
Hall, Patrick
Hancock, Mike
Hepburn, Stephen
Holmes, Paul
Hopkins, Kelvin
Howells, Kim
Hoyle, Lindsay
Hughes, Simon
Hunter, Mark
Iddon, Brian
Illsley, Eric
Jackson, Glenda
Jenkins, Brian
Jones, Lynne
Lancaster, Mark
Leech, John
McCafferty, Chris
McDonnell, John
Oaten, Mark
Opik, Lembit
Pugh, John
Robinson, Iris
Russell, Bob
Simpson, Alan
Smith, Geraldine
Soames, Nicholas
Stringer, Graham
Taylor, David
Truswell, Paul
Vis, Rudi
Wareing, Robert N
Webb, Steve
Williams, Betty
Williams, Stephen
Willis, Phil
Winterton, Ann
Wyatt, Derek

If your MP hasn't signed (you can find your MP by postcode at http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/) - please email (list of MPs & their emails) or "tweet" them (lists of MPs on twitter) - and ask them to sign EDM 1935.(NOTE: Ministers; The Speaker & his Deputies; & PPSs cannot sign EDMs - and opposition frontbench spokepersons will only normally sign only on exceptional occasions - please respect their refusal if this is the reason!)