

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Reading List for the Summer

It's a good thing that the 2008 Presidential Campaign has got off to such an early start - the time is needed to get through all the books written by the various candidates.

John Edwards - 'Ending Poverty in America' (2007); 'Homes: The Blueprints of our lives' (2006); 'Four Trials' (2003)

Hillary Clinton - 'Living History' (2003); 'It takes a Village' (1996)

Barack Obama - 'Audacity of Hope' (2006); 'Dreams from my Father' (1995)

Bill Richardson - 'Between Worlds' (2005)

John McCain - 'Character is Destiny' (2005); 'Why Courage Matters' (2004); 'Worth the Fighting For' (2002); 'Faith of My Fathers' (1999)

Rudi Giulani - 'Leadership' (2002)

Mitt Romney - 'Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership & the Olympic Games' (2004)

Mike Huckabee - 'From Hope to High Ground' (2007)

Tom Tancredo - 'In Mortal Danger' (2006)