

Friday 18 May 2007

House of Representatives

Robert Remini is the official House historian. He had already published biographies of key individuals in American political history - Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and others, but is particularly well known for his work on Andrew Jackson.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading his book "The House" which begins on 4th March 1789 (the day the House first met - though it was inquorate - only 13 Congressman turned up to Federal Hall - it was on 1st April that the required minimum of 30 was reached) and tells the story of events and individuals up to the present day. I have to blame this book for a loss of sleep. It was truly a book that was very difficult to put down! The House of Representatives has a fascinating history, has had some incredible characters amongst its members - and this book has a great style. It also has a very useful set of Appendices - listing all the Speakers; Clerks; Sergeant at Arms; Leaders of House; Whips and more.

Robert V. Remini -"The House: The History of the House of Representatives" - Smithsonian Books. 2006 ISBN 978-0-06-088434-5