

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Indiana and North Carolina

The epic struggle for the Democratic nomination continues. Today two key states hold their primaries.

In Indiana polls open at 6am - and the last ones close at 7pm (Eastern Time). The latest opinion polls show the race could be very tight. North Carolina votes from 6.30am to 7.30pm. This race is much more likely to be won by Obama - but the margin will count. If Hillary can narrow the margin from the double-figures that Obama was getting in the polls, she may be able to claim "victory"

A key issue dividing the two candidates is whether, in face of rises in the cost of transport fuel, there should a temporary break from the federal "gas tax". Clinton has argued for such a tax holiday, but Obama disagrees. As a European the debate over prices is somewhat bemusing, as compared to prices back home, the US still have amazingly low prices for its fuel - but it's a hot issue over here.

There's lots of coverage across all forms of media. My favourite sites for following developments are

CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/POLITICS/
Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/

Local news can be found at: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage (IN)
http://www.newsobserver.com/ (NC)