

Thursday 12 April 2007

Local Elections

On this side of the Atlantic there is election fever (OK, I exaggerate, turnout will probably be appalling, but there is much activity!). The first Thursday in May is the nearest equivalent Britain has to "the Tuesday following the first Monday of November" in the USA.

Of course General Elections are held whenever the Queen dissolves Parliament (on advise from the Prime Minister) - and European Elections are usually held in June, but elections to local authorities, the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly are held every four years on the first Thursday in May. Some local authorities elect all their members every fourth year - as in Harborough District Council and Blaby District Council (both have elections in 2007) and the County Councils (2005, 2009...); while some elect one third every year, with the year of County elections as the year "off". Rugby Borough Council follows this pattern. [Note - a Borough Council is a 'District Council' by function - but for historic reasons it has the privilege of calling itself a Borough Council - similarly its presiding officer is a 'Mayor' whereas normally District Councils merely have a 'Chair'].

Elections to the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly are held every four years - 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011...