The choice of the twin cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) for the Republican Convention this year, highlighted the importance of the State for the GOP. One of the more interesting Senate races is taking place there. The current Senior Senator is Norm Coleman
http://coleman.senate.gov/public/, a native of New York - he was an active member of the counter culture as a youngster - described by National Journal as "an anti-war activist", and celebrating his 20th birthday at Woodstock. He was formerly a Democrat - even serving as c0-chairman in Minnesota for Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign. He switched to the Republican Party in December 1996. In November 2004 he ran unsuccessfully for the Chairmanship of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Coleman faces a challenge from the DFL (Democratic-Farmer-Labor) nominee, Al Franken. He was briefly profiled on this blog on 10th September
News from Lake Wobegon
Al Franken, comedian and commentator, has won the Democratic nomination for the US Senate seat from Minnesota. He rose to fame for his appearances on 'Saturday Night Live'. International fame came with his excellent books - Why Not Me?; Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot; Lies and the lying liars who tell them; and The Truth with Jokes. His website is - http://www.alfranken.com/