But as I work in the House of Lords, I get a daily reminder of the Barons who forced the King to sign. In the chamber statues of these men are positioned high on the walls.
Barons, Bishops and Abbots who were party to Magna Carta - the Barons involved were -
William d'Aubigny, Lord of Belvoir Castle.
Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Hugh Bigod, Heir to the Earldoms of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford.
Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford.
Gilbert de Clare, heir to the earldom of Hertford.
John FitzRobert, Lord of Warkworth Castle.
Robert Fitzwalter, Lord of Dunmow Castle.
William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle.
William Hardel, Mayor of the City of London.
William de Huntingfield, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
John de Lacy, Lord of Pontefract Castle.
William de Lanvallei, Lord of Standway Castle.
William Malet, Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Gloucester.
William Marshall Jr, heir to the earldom of Pembroke.
Roger de Montbegon, Lord of Hornby Castle, Lancashire.
Richard de Montfichet, Baron.
William de Mowbray, Lord of Axholme Castle.
Richard de Percy, Baron.
Saher de Quincy, Earl of Winchester.
Robert de Roos, Lord of Hamlake Castle.
Geoffrey de Saye, Baron.
Robert de Vere, heir to the earldom of Oxford.
Eustace de Vesci, Lord of Alnwick Castle.
Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Hugh Bigod, Heir to the Earldoms of Norfolk and Suffolk.
Henry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford.
Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford.
Gilbert de Clare, heir to the earldom of Hertford.
John FitzRobert, Lord of Warkworth Castle.
Robert Fitzwalter, Lord of Dunmow Castle.
William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle.
William Hardel, Mayor of the City of London.
William de Huntingfield, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
John de Lacy, Lord of Pontefract Castle.
William de Lanvallei, Lord of Standway Castle.
William Malet, Sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex and Gloucester.
William Marshall Jr, heir to the earldom of Pembroke.
Roger de Montbegon, Lord of Hornby Castle, Lancashire.
Richard de Montfichet, Baron.
William de Mowbray, Lord of Axholme Castle.
Richard de Percy, Baron.
Saher de Quincy, Earl of Winchester.
Robert de Roos, Lord of Hamlake Castle.
Geoffrey de Saye, Baron.
Robert de Vere, heir to the earldom of Oxford.
Eustace de Vesci, Lord of Alnwick Castle.