

Sunday, 4 September 2011

It's a Sunday!

It's Sunday - so instead of a post on practice & procedure in the Washminster legislatures; or a Revision article for law or politics; I am going to write something on a leisure activity. "Six Days shalt thou Labour..." - a good prescription for a healthy body and mind!

As long term readers of this blog will know (and all previous posts can be accessed - back to the first post in March 2007 - either through the search engine - or by using the list in the Blog Archive) - I particularly enjoy watching American Football; listening to jazz; reading French (yes, for relaxation!!! - I find I enjoy it more than reading English - probably because I can't go into 'speed-reading mode'); watching or listening to political comedy; learning about history or just walking or cycling.

With the end of the summer holidays (last Monday was the final bank holiday until Christmas - and schools return this week) - there's lots of ways to relax.

Jazz Matters returns to the Stables in Milton Keynes. Once a month there is a live jazz session - and twice a month a talk (with music). Dame Cleo Laine will be the next guest in the "Desert Island Discs (without the island)" series on October 2nd - for more details press here. We are very privileged in Milton Keynes to have a series of walks organised. Great for health, but also good fun and you get to learn lots (history; natural history; more about our City). Further details here.

The NFL (American Football) season kicks of this week. There are lots of websites giving further information. My favourites are NFL and of course the site of the Washington Redskins. Britbowl is only a couple of weeks away, at Crystal Place - there is a facebook group. In October there will be an NFL match played at Wembley - Tampa Bay Buccaneers play the Chicago Bears on October 23rd. More info here.

For something lighter - type in "political humour" into "Search this Blog" - and see my previous posts.