On Saturday I visited Middleton Hall in Central Milton Keynes - they often have exhibitions there. In the middle of a "wargaming" exhibition - there was a table which set out the developments and plans for the Naseby Battlefield in Northamptonhire.

Naseby was a (some say 'the') key battle in the English Civil War. It was a crushing defeat for Charles I - see http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/battles_naseby.html for more on the significance of the Battle.
I used to live in Northamptonshire - and was distressed that the site of such a key historic battle was not properly promoted. There was a private exhibition in the village - but little on the battlefield itself. What a contrast with the treatment of American Civil War sites. I'm happy to report that thanks to the determined efforts of some volunteers (with help from sympathetic County Council staff) this wrong is being addressed. The "Naseby Battlefield Project" has already achieved much - and now is working to have a visitors centre established. You can find out more here.