

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Washminster Returns - as MPs head for exit?

Washminster returns - as we have completed our move from Rugby to Milton Keynes. Unfortunately a resumption of full service (or the enhanced service I had planned) will be delayed - as it may be a month before I can get broadband at home. I can only publish posts when I'm in my Westminster office - and as I am a candidate in the European Elections on June 4th, I wasn't going to be spending much time down in London. So I apologise for the delay - but will post when I can.

As Washminster (partially) returns - the press are publishing stories claiming that the coming election will see an exodus of Labour MPs - retiring before facing defeat. These stories have been denied [see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8029262.stm]- but it is worth considering the differences with House of Representatives & Senate retirements.

The incumbancy factor is not as great in UK elections as in the US. People still tend to vote by party than for a specific individual in the UK. So the retirement of an existing member doesn't make the seat as vulnerable as an open seat in the US. Followers of British politics tend to look at the national swing - which may differ slightly in individual seats.