This week the following bills are subject to 'ping-pong' - Pensions Bill; Statistics & Registration Service Bill; Tribunals, Courts & Enforcement Bill; Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill; and the Corporate Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Bill.
Monday is a Liberal-Democrat Opposition day, and two debates will be held and the remaining stages of the Parliament (Joint Departments) Bill will be taken on Tuesday. The EU Select Committee in the Lords will hear from the Portuguese Ambassador about that country's presidency of the EU's Council of Ministers. The Lords will be the only chamber sitting on Friday, as it considers Lord Steel's private members Bill on the House of Lords.
In the House of Representatives Monday will be given over to "suspensions" bills. Two appropriations bills (Energy & Water; Labor, Health & Human Services and Education) will be considered during the rest of the week. The Senate will on Monday resume consideration of H.R. 1585, the Defense Authorization bill.
(Note to non-UK readers of this blog - the cartoon of the sun is ironic - we have had a very wet summer and there are further severe weather warnings for Sunday and Monday)