Today he appears once again before the Senate Committee. Tomorrow the House Committee will meet, and its Chairman, John Conyers has vowed to hold a vote on issuing contempt citations for the White House chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, and former White House counsel Harriet Miers. Both have been asked to provide information to the committee, but have declined. Chairman Conyers said last week about Ms Miers, ""Her failure to comply with our subpoena is a serious affront to this committee and our constitutional system of checks and balances,"
Despite the heated row between the Attorney General and Congress, and the problems within the Justice Department Gonzales will tell the Senate ""I could walk away or I could devote my time, effort and energy to fix the problems. Since I have never been one to quit, I decided that the best course of action was to remain here."
A full Washington Post article can be found at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/23/AR2007072300579.html