The current edition of "Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship" applies from April 2007. The tests are only based on chapters 2 to 6 (I've highlighted them below in bold).
The stucture
Chap 1 - The Making of the UK: a brief history of the lands which today make up the UK
Chap 2 - A Changing Society: looks at how UK society is changing as a result of immigration; the changing role of women and the growth of a new generation.
Chap 3 - UK Today: A profile: looks at population; the nations and regions; religions and some customs and traditions.
Chap 4 - How the United Kingdom is governed: deals with the institutions encompassed by 'the British Constitution' and relations with the rest of the world.
Chap 5 - Everyday Needs: a brief overview of how everyday needs - Housing; services in and for the home; money and credit; health; education; Leisure; travel and transport - are delivered.
Chap 6 - Employment: overview of how it is looked for and summary of main employment laws.
Chap 7 - Knowing the Law: an introduction to the legal system and rights and duties not covered in earlier chapters.
Chap 8 - Sources of Help & Information: useful quick guide
Chap 9 - Building Better Communities: a brief guide to the contribution that individuals can make to improving life in Britain.