

Friday 23 November 2007

House of Lords Business

Each day a green document is produced entitled "House of Lords Business & Minutes of Proceedings". It is also available online at http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld/ldordpap.htm

The front page includes a table of contents - and the business for the day ahead. Depending upon the volume of business, this can extend for a few pages. Future business follows and outline business set down, by appropriate date, for the month ahead. The early entries are quite full and the legislation to be considered is included, but beyond the immediate week or so the only entries relate to questions. Information follows about Motions for Balloted Debate; Select Committee Reports; Other motions for Debate; Motions Relating to Statutory Instruments and Questions for Short Debate. These have all been put down, but no date arranged with the "usual channels" and set down. Questions for Written Answer tabled [NOTE TO AMERICAN READERS - 'tabled' at Westminster means that the item has been put down for future action - and is the opposite use of the word as used in Congress, which means essentially to be 'killed'] on the day before are listed.

Bills in Progress are listed - by current or next stage - as are Affirmative Instruments in Progress and details of Negative Instruments; Regulatory Reform Orders and Legislative Reform Orders and Legislative Reform Orders.

Details of forthcoming Committee meetings are set out - and then "Minutes of Proceedings" - a record of action taken the legislative day before.